Locating Files

After the project is created and files are added, there may be instances where some or all of the files are moved. Each time ExhibitMarker™ opens a project it checks all the individual file paths for each PDF that is currently loaded. If a file is not present at the recorded location, ExhibitMarker™ will alert the user by highlighting the file in yellow and placing exclamation points in the Status columns for the PDF.

Screen Grab - Missing Exhibits

Verify File Locations

Additionally, the user my manually initiate file location verification via the Project menu by selecting Verify File Locations.

Screen Grab - Missing Exhibits

Locate Missing Files

To rectify the situation, select and right-click the missing files in the PDF Files list. Choose the Locate Missing Files option, which will bring up a Folder selection dialog.

Screen Grab - Locate Missing Files Folder Dialog

After selecting the new location where the files are currently located, ExhibitMarker™ will verify that the missing files are indeed there and update the database accordingly.

Screen Grab - All Files Located

If all or some of the files are not in the selected location, ExhibitMarker™ will notify the user how many were located.

Screen Grab - All Files Located

Once complete, each entry in the PDF Files list will be updated to remove the missing highlight indicator and exclamation points.

Screen Grab - All Files Located